Landscaping Layout Examples
0August 28, 2015 by Hope Gardens
Hi all! I know design can seem very daunting so I wanted to share some ideas with you. When placing plants think about groupings, repetition, scale, height and follow the forms of your home and your hardscape. Here in this recent install we use complimentary and contrasting colors with unique heights and shapes. Let’s take a look.
In the background below is Pittosporum ‘Silver Sheen’ which gets up to 15′ tall which will be nice against the garage wall. In front of the Pittosproum is yellow Kangaroo Paw (which we repeated on the other side of the yard), Verbena bonariensis and Muhly Grass.
In the foreground are two kinds of Breath of Heaven. The traditional one is a deep green and grows upright but the ones in front that are more yellow are called ‘Sunset Gold’ and they grow lower to the ground.
Traditional Breath of Heaven will be covered in tiny pink flowers for months!
Here on the other side of the yard, there is the deep green Breath of Heaven alongside a pretty grey-green Lavender and the pale lime green ‘Limelight’ Heuchera. For contrast we have a colorful New Zealand Flax ‘Sundowner.’
Lastly we have a nice repetition of the yellow Kangaroo Paw and another Pittosporum, this one the smaller ‘Marjorie Channon.’ (In the background by the way is a Euphorbia cotinifolia or Red Spurge.)
I hope this gave you some ideas and you can tackle laying out your own landscaping. 🙂
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