Raised Bed Veggie Gardens
0September 9, 2014 by Hope Gardens

For your inspiration, here is a gallery of some of our beautiful raised beds and protective hutches.
We use redwood as it is all-natural as well as pest- and rot-resistant. Cedar is a great choice too but not readily available in Southern California. We do not recommend pressure-treated wood although it is supposedly much safer now.
My rules for raised beds!
- Only use potting soil in your beds, no native soil (from the ground).
- Beds should be no wider than 4′ and if right against a wall or shrubbery or other obstacle aka you can only access it from one side, then 3′ wide is the max.
- Beds should be at least 12″ deep. The taller, the merrier!
- Make your bed of sturdy stuff. I like a 2″ thick board. Anything thinner and it’s easy to damage it. Budget often comes first though, I understand.
- No circles or squares unless your bed has a keyhole entrance.
Bonus tip: Consider a cover. Be it a hoop house, a draped row cover, a hutch…add this consideration into your plans. Most importantly, enjoy your garden!

A cherry tomato plant overtakes its borders.

There’s a raised bed in there somewhere!

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