Green Arrow Nursery in North Hills sold to developers
24March 29, 2016 by Hope Gardens
I am crushed to inform Angelenos that Green Arrow Nursery in North Hills has been sold to developers for apartment buildings. Sperling Nursery last year and now this. I’m heartbroken for the fantastic employees who have worked there 25 plus years. Green Arrow has the most excellent customer service, both friendly and informed. The loss of employment is devastating since Sperling’s also excellent ex-employees have already filled every vacancy in town. In the larger picture, the loss of wisdom and real knowledge about plants has me (almost) speechless. There are so few places to get your questions answered, so few places that sell products they care about, so few places that sell vegetable seedlings at all. Is this a result of the drought? The box stores? Development? It’s a loss my friends. And there’s a warning. We still need plants. I still believe in growing your own food. There is a huge gap in our understanding of how food grows that borders on total ignorance. This is not good for our future or our children’s future. I’m putting all my brain power on how I could open a small nursery, like Theo Payne, but that focuses on organic vegetable gardening, provides homegrown seedlings, organic compost, classes and workshops. It would fuel my soul which has been drained dry by these uber rich clients I find myself in small claims court with again and again. There’s a bigger vision inside me and the demand to fill the gap left behind by Sperling, and now Green Arrow, seems to have reached a screaming pitch.
Category Vegetable gardening | Tags: Garden, nursery